Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe
Andreas, Monika

Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe

Regulärer Preis Angebotspreis38,00 €
760,00 € / kg

Incl. taxes plus shipping costs

Die richtige Wahl für natürlichen Schutz und sanfte Pflege

✓ Dermatologisch getestet
✓ Die besten Zutaten der Natur
✓ 1-2 Mal täglich auftragen


In stock - in 2-3 working days at your place

All right, we will inform you as soon as the item is available again.
PayPal Mastercard Visa American Express Klarna IMMEDIATELY PREPAYMENT Giropay
Bequem auf Rechnung zahlen
Money-back guarantee
Fast shipping


Service hotline and telephone consultation:

For further questions, feel free to call us personally at:


Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11 to 12.

Payment and invoice

What payment methods are available?

You can pay by prepayment, credit card, Sofortüberweisung, Giropay, Klarna invoice and installment purchase or PayPal. If you choose the payment method "Prepayment", please transfer the amount due. The goods will then be shipped after receipt of payment.

Where is my bill?

After completing the order you will receive an order confirmation by mail.
Just click on the green button in the mail that says "Download your PDF invoice".

Why can't I download my invoice?

If this is the case, it is best to try again with another browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, nternet Explorer, Safari or similar.

Where can I find the bank details for a bank transfer?

You will find our bank details on your order page, which you will also receive again by e-mail after purchase, as well as on your invoice.

How do I order tax-exempt as an EU B2B customer?

Since the EU tax reform 2021, we can unfortunately no longer make it possible for our EU B2B customers to automatically create a tax-free intra-Community delivery in our shop. Please contact us directly at


How long does it take to ship and how is it shipped?

Within Germany:
We offer for all shipments a reliable and fast delivery with DHL and the German Post including tracking updates. Unfortunately, we have no influence on DHL in the last instance and sometimes there can be delays.
Normally, however, the shipping runs smoothly, so you will receive your package within 1-3 days. If you do not receive your goods for more than a week after ordering, please write us a mail so we can follow up.

International shipping:
The shipping to foreign countries runs, depending on the weight, via Warenpost international or DHL Paket.
The delivery time within the EU is usually five to ten days.
Outside the EU, the delivery time can be up to 3 weeks or longer, depending on the destination.

You can find our average delivery times here:

Is there a tracking system?

You will receive a tracking number by mail for all orders.

You will receive this shipping confirmation email as soon as the shipment is scanned by the post office.
This takes place for parcels and international shipments directly upon posting. For merchandise mail within Germany, only at the distribution center.

Information about the products

Can I contact teemana by phone?

Yes, our service hotline is available at the following telephone number:


Mon 11:00-11:30
Wed 11:00-11:30
Fri 11:00-12:00

What is the difference between broken (leaf cut) and ground (powder)?

The only difference is that Artemisia annua or Moringa broken are the dried leaves of the plant, while Artemisia or Moringa ground are the same dried leaves pulverized with a grinding machine. There is no difference whatsoever in the ingredients/components.

Where and how can you buy Artemisia annua plantlets?

Artemisia annnua anamed plantlets, for non-commercial purposes only, are sold and shipped in April/May by only one manufacturer and can be ordered through their website or by mail there.

Where are the products grown?

Our Artemisia annua is grown exclusively in Germany, mostly in Baden-Württemberg.

Moringa Oleifera grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Our Moringa comes from anamed fields in Tanzania.
The Moringa is packed and ground in Germany.

Euphorbia hirta is also a tropical plant. We obtain our Euphorbia hirta through wild collection by our employees in the bushveld of Tanzania and Congo. Euphorbia hirta is packed in Germany.

Eucalyptus maidenii grows in tropical and subtropical climate. The leaves are harvested by our project partner in the highlands of Malawi and packed in Germany.

Which components of the plants are packaged and sold?

With us, only the leaves of the plants are carefully stripped by hand and then dried.
There are no stems or flowers in our goods!

Preparation lemongrass tea

For a cup ca.1 teaspoon of lemongrass tea in a pot with 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, pull from the heat and infuse at least 15. Then strain and enjoy .Or boil 1 liter of water with 1 tablespoon of lemongrass tea etc. and drink this throughout the day to do yourself some good.

How can I preserve Artemisia annua?

Our leaf cut product (formerly "broken") is highly dried and only for this reason it can be frozen. To do this, it is best to wrap the bags with a layer of aluminum foil (to preserve the essential oils) and another plastic bag and then freeze. Then defrost unopened before consumption to prevent condensation from entering. The product we deliver now will then have a shelf life of at least 5 years at minus 18 degrees.

Why are there few instructions on how to use the products?

You may always expect competence, honesty and reliability in case of further questions to us. However, we ask for your understanding that we are unfortunately not allowed to provide further information on some of our natural products.

Our Artemisa annua anamed (A-3) is explicitly declared as a plant raw material. This corresponds to the current legal situation.

What's the deal with the packaging?

At teemana, nature is close to our hearts, which is why we follow the ZERO WASTE principle. All our packaging is fully recyclable or residue-free incinerable, with no toxic emissions.

Our PE bags are reusable up to 20x and can be incinerated 100% residue-free to carbon dioxide and water. The crucial thing is to handle them properly: After use, we ask you to properly dispose of the packaging for ecological
recycled properly for ecological reuse.

Selected packaging sizes come in recyclable kraft paper stand-up pouches, free of aluminum and PVC. Again, multiple use or upcycling is recommended before sending packaging for recycling.

Teemana is committed to a sustainable circular economy and participates in the dual waste management system

Entdecken Sie die dermatologisch getestete Artemisia annua anamed Salbe – Die sanfte Revolution für Ihre Haut: Natürlicher Schutz, sanfte Pflege und kraftvoller Inhalt!

✅ Beruhigung pur: Die Artemisia Salbe sorgt mit ihrer einzigartigen, naturbelassenen Formel für eine entspannte und lebendige Haut, die von innen und außen gepflegt strahlt. Die zarte Antwort der Naturkosmetik auf Hautirritationen aller Art. Genauere Anwendungsempfehlungen finden Sie unter dem Reiter "Anwendung" in den Produktinformationen.

 Die besten Schätze der Natur: Unsere A-3 Pflegesalbe vereint das Blattpulver der "Nobelpreispflanze" Artemisia annua (Einjähriger Beifuß), das "flüssige Gold" Olivenöl, das wohltuende Rizinusöl aus den Samen des "Wunderbaumes" sowie die "Gelbe Kraft der Bienen" - Bienenwachs.

Tipps zur Anwendung: Um die Einjähriger Beifuß Salbe in Ihre Pflegeroutine zu integrieren, verwenden Sie einen Spatel anstelle Ihrer Finger und entnehmen Sie eine Spatelspitze Salbe. Nun können Sie die betroffene Stelle Ihrer Haut anfeuchten und die Salbe 1-2 Mal täglich auftragen und gut einmassieren.

 Erstklassige Qualität und Reinheit: Unser Artemisia Salbe entspricht höchsten Qualitätsstandards und wird regelmäßig von unabhängigen Laboren dermatologisch getestet. Eine solche Salbe mit unserer originalen Spezialzüchtung des Einjähriger Beifuß Krauts, Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) aus Deutschland erhalten Sie nur bei uns.

✅  Traditionelle Weisheit, moderne Pflege: Im Gegensatz zu anderen konventionellen Produkten, die potenziell schädliche Zusatzstoffe enthalten und Hautprobleme letztendlich sogar verschlimmern können, bleibt unsere Einjähriger Beifuß Salbe der traditionellen Formel treu. Wir setzen ausschließlich auf 100% naturbelassene, unverarbeitete Rohstoffe, wodurch sie sich besonders gut für sensible Haut eignet.


We are proud to offer you this purity, quality and extensive experience and invite you to discover more plant products in our range.

Bestellen Sie noch heute Ihre Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Salbe und entdecken Sie die liebevoll zarte Pflege und strahlende Schönheit der Natur.

Wir weisen darauf hin, dass es sich hierbei um ein Kosmetikprodukt handelt.

Regionaler Anbau

Unser Einjähriger Beifuß wird im Süden Deutschlands angebaut und behutsam von Hand geerntet.

Das ist Artemisia annua

Die Essenz der Natur in jedem Blatt

Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt von Artemisia annua – dem einjährigen Beifuß. Dieses weltweit berühmte Gewächs, auch bekannt als die "Nobelpreispflanze" ist ein wahres Meisterwerk der Natur.

Mit über 600 wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen steht sie für die pure Pflanzenenergie, die bereits vor 2000 Jahren die Menschen im asiatischen Raum in Staunen versetzte.

Artemisia annua hat über die Jahre hinweg die Neugier von rennomierten Forschern und Pflanzenliebhabern gleichermaßen geweckt. Dieses Meisterwerk der grünen Schatztruhe steht nun auch Ihnen zur Verfügung und wartet nur darauf, entdeckt zu werden.

Dafür steht der einjähriger Beifuß

Nachhaltige Balance und Harmonie

Der bedeutendste Inhaltstoff dieser mächtigen Pflanze ist das Artemisinin, welches vor allem in den letzten Jahrzehnten eingehend erforscht wurde.

Der verlockend aromatische Duft der durch Ihre fein-gezackten Blätter verströmt wird, ist hingegen auf ihren hohen Gehalt ätherischer Ölen zurückzuführen.

Lassen Sie sich von dieser ehrwürdigen "Königin der Pflanzen" inspirieren, deren natürliche Brillianz niemals in Vergessenheit geraten ist.