Our development partnerships in Africa and Asia

Our development partnerships in Africa and Asia


Reading time 4 min

We find ourselves in a time in which the advertising buzzwords "sustainable" and "green" are often misused. "Greenwashing " is more present than ever - the practice of deliberately disseminating information and content in order to give a company an environmentally friendly and responsible image in the public eye, without a sufficient basis.

With all this misinformation and half-truths, it is more important to us than ever that our customers have honest trust in our products - especially because we see you as partners in our work.

We want to make it clear that teemana does not want to create a superficially positive image like other companies in order to sell more products. On the contrary - since our foundation, our goal has been to offer wonderful natural products and thereby bring more positive change into the world. In order to offer you more than just empty promises and empty phrases, in this article we would like to give you a little insight into how we are bringing about real change with your help. 

What does teemana stand for?

Behind teemana is a whole range of values that we identify with. These include: 

  • Social projects: We want to support small farms in Germany and encourage sustainable agriculture. In turn, we can use the proceeds to support development aid projects of our partners in Africa and Asia.
  • Ecological and sustainable: The products we sell are tested for harmful substances and pesticides. 
  • Political commitment: In the fight against the EU lobby, we are firmly committed to ensuring that Artemisia annua products remain available to everyone. 
  • Advocacy: Wir stehen  für Fairness und Chancengleichheit. Deshalb wollen wir auch finanziell schwächeren Bedürftigen weltweit einen Zugang zu den Artemisia annua Produkten verschaffen. 
  • Transparency: Transparent production: Through on-site seminars open to the public, you can see teemana's cultivation and production conditions for yourself.
  • Networking: We maintain close contact with scientists from all over the world in order to constantly guarantee the highest quality according to the latest scientific findings.

This is how we support projects around the world together:

We want people who live and work in the most basic conditions to be able to meet their health needs independently and with the resources available locally. But how do you contribute to this when you buy from teemana? A significant portion of the proceeds are used to support teemana partner associations and aid organizations worldwide. These include:

Fundraising campaigns

We work closely with our partner associations to help people in developing countries and crisis regions. For example, we were able to support a children's home in Tanzania with a donation of Moringa oleifera.  

After the devastating Cyclone Idai in 2019, which flooded 3500 square kilometers in Mozambique, our partners provided aid through a donation of Artemisia annua. The effects of the cyclone affected several million people, particularly in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, with over 1,000 fatalities.

Such climate disasters are likely to occur more frequently in the future, as the effects of climate change will be felt most strongly in regions with extreme temperatures.

In this picture, an aid organization transports our A-3 harvest from South Africa to the flooded area in Mozambique.

Artemisia annua donation for the flood victims in Mozambique

Artemisia annua donation for the flood victims in Mozambique

Zusätzlich engagieren sich unsere Partner in verschiedenen Ländern wie Malawi, Kenia, Eritrea, Philippinen, Elfenbeinküste, Senegal, Gabun und vielen weiteren, um den Menschen vor Ort zu helfen. Im Kongo erhielten sie sogar eine zusätzliche Unterstützung von der GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) zur Verbreitung des Wissens über A-3 und das Anlegen von A-3 Feldern im Jahr 2023. Auf dem unteren Bild sehen Sie Schwester Daya in ihrem Garten mit Artemisia annua in Assam, Indien.


Our partner associations regularly hold seminars in the tropics. In particular, multipliers are trained and local networks are established. The picture below shows such a seminar, which took place in July 2023 in Kisessa / Mwanza, Tanzania

Seminar on growing, drying and storing Artemisia annua 

Bishop Mgeni Rasmi receives an Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) plant 

Seminar in the garden of the Charnabera Taining Center (India) on the cultivation of Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua field in Uganda

High quality at fair prices: How we support small, sustainable businesses

As you can see in the picture below, our high-quality Moringa oleifera leaf cuttings are grown under controlled conditions on Lake Victoria in Tanzania, Africa, far away from any industry. The climate in this region is ideal, characterized by plenty of sunny days and ideal temperatures - so natural that hippos and crocodiles say good night to each other. On arrival in Germany, despite the ideal growing conditions, we subject all our products to regular microbiological tests by an independent German testing laboratory, which checks the goods for quality, harmful substances and heavy metals - the results are well below the permitted limits.

Drying Moringa oleifera at our partner farm in Tanzania 

If Africa sells goods to Europe today, prices are at rock bottom. One of the reasons for this is that in conventional trade it is customary to pay a small surcharge of 10 or 20% on the local market value. However, if we buy our moringa from Tanzania, we pay a surcharge of 3000%, i.e. 30 times the local market value. This is the only way our growers and harvest workers there can send their children to schools worthy of the word. We also source some of our finely chopped lemongrass tea (lemongrass) from our partner farm in Malawi in excellent teemana quality.  

Joint Moringa harvest in Tanzania 

teemana - a good choice

As you can see, by buying from teemana you are not only supporting our small family business from Swabia, because a high percentage of the yield goes directly to our farmers in Germany (Artemisia), Tanzania (Moringa) and Malawi (lemongrass) to ensure they are paid fairly .

There are real people behind teemana - we mean what we say and we put our heart and soul into what we do every day. Their help enables us to preserve creation by growing and utilizing truly sustainable and ethical products. 

We do not want to convince you with empty advertising promises, but rely on transparency, authenticity, integrity and approachability.

If our values appeal to you, we welcome your support with great pleasure. If you even feel the need to support the projects of our foreign partners even more directly through donations, please do not hesitate to contact us personally. We will be happy to pass you on to ensure that your generous gift always ends up in the right hands.

Our Artemisia annua