A small brown glass on a wooden surface, surrounded by green plants

Natural refreshment for your senses: Artemisia annua as a room fragrance


Reading time 5 min

From ancient ceremonies to modern wellness practices and scented products, aromatic essences and incense have been part of human history for thousands of years. But while in earlier times people scented their rooms with dried herbs and flowers, synthetic fragrances are now increasingly taking over. So it's no wonder that nature-conscious people are increasingly longing for natural fragrance alternatives that they can use to create a fresh atmosphere in their rooms.

Artemisia annua offers a fabulous and completely natural way to do this. This extremely versatile plant is not only inspiring when used as an ointment or raw material - its intense, beguiling fragrance is also ideal for scenting rooms .

In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über die Artemisia annua als Raumbeduftung wissen müssen. Tauchen Sie ein in die duftende, belebende Welt dieser einzigartigen Pflanze.


Artemisia annua: A little botany

Artemisia annua, also known as "annual mugwort", is a herbaceous plant from the composite family. It originates from Asia, where it has been highly regarded for its many uses for many centuries. Its characteristic appearance is characterized by a bushy growth habit and delicate, dark green leaves that exude an intense fragrance.

One of its many areas of application is the cosmetics and fragrance industry. Here, its valuable essential oils are highly valued for the production of cosmetic products, perfumes and room fragrances. It is a natural alternative to synthetic room fresheners, especially when used as a room fragrance.

Even the world's most luxurious perfumers, such as Roja Parfums or Versace, regularly use artemisia as the herbaceous top note for their most precious and expensive eau de parfums.

several perfumes

The traditional use of Artemisia annua as a fragrance or incense

Die traditionelle Verwendung der Artemisia annua als Raumduft oder Räucherwerk reicht lange Zeit zurück. Insbesondere in der chinesischen und europäischen Tradition wurde sie als Rauch- oder Raumdurft verwendet, um unangenehme Gerüche zu neutralisieren, die Luft zu “reinigen” und so eine angenehme Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Dafür verwendeten die Menschen vor allem Bündel aus getrockneten Artemisia annua Blättern, die sie anzündeten und den Rauch verteilten. Aber auch mit getrockneten Blättern gefüllte Duftsäckchen, die sie im Raum aufgehängten oder in Schränken oder Schubladen platzierten, kamen häufig zum Einsatz. Das traditionelle Räuchern und Beduften mit Artemisia annua Blättern ist in vielen Kulturen auch heutzutage noch weit verbreitet. 

A green area with cultivated plants.

How Artemisia annua room fragrance is produced today

In addition to its traditional use as incense, there are now numerous other methods of using Artemisia annua as a room fragrance. Thanks to enormous scientific development, it is now possible to extract the valuable fragrances directly from the leaves. The following processes are mainly used for this:


  • Steam distillation: This is the traditional production process for essential oils, which is also used for Artemisia annua essential oil. Water vapor is passed through the crushed leaves, which condenses in a cooling tube. This produces a mixture of oil and water, which is then filtered to obtain pure essential oil.


  • Extraction with solvents: Solvents such as ethanol or hexane are used to dissolve the essential oils from the leaves of Artemisia annua. Once the solvent has extracted the essential oils, it is removed from the extract by distillation or evaporation. This produces a pure, concentrated extract that is virtually free of solvent residues.


  • CO2 extraction: Liquid carbon dioxide is used to dissolve the extracts from Artemisia annua leaves under high pressure and low temperature. The result is also a highly concentrated and pure plant extract. 


  • Alcohol extract: An alcohol extract is made from fresh or dried Artemisia annua leaves, which are soaked in alcohol for a few weeks. This dissolves the valuable ingredients and fragrances and preserves them in the alcohol. You can easily prepare such a plant extract yourself, for example by using our 



Allow Artemisia annua leaf cuttings to steep for several weeks in high-proof alcohol (e.g. ethyl alcohol at 70%) to extract all the valuable ingredients.

The aromatic properties of Artemisia annua room fragrance

But what does Artemisia annua actually smell like?

The scent of Artemisia annua is very versatile and multi-faceted, as it is calming and grounding as well as refreshing and invigorating. Most people describe the scent as spicy, herbaceous and aromatic. Nevertheless, there is a slight hint of citrus, which gives the fragrance its vitalizing properties. The fragrance is very reminiscent of fresh herbs and blooming gardens and conveys a feeling of freshness and lightness.

In addition, earlier indigenous peoples who smoked Artemisia annua attributed purifying and cleansing properties to the smoke. They claimed that the intense, herbaceous scent could help to dispel bad odors and create clean, fresh indoor air. As such, its invigorating aroma can brighten the mood and promote a positive atmosphere and is ideal for use in living spaces, the workplace and relaxation areas.

One tablespoon heaped with Artemisia annua.

How to use Artemisia annua as a room fragrance

Now the question naturally arises: how can you use Artemisia annua as a room fragrance? What options are there for enjoying the beguiling fragrance in your own home?

Below you will find a list of the most common methods of using Artemisia annua as a room fragrance: 


  • Aroma diffusers: A diffuser is a device that vaporizes essential oils or scented oils and releases them into the air. Simply fill your diffuser with water and add a few drops of Artemisia annua essential oil to release the gentle fragrance into the room. 


  • Fragrance lamp: Just like a diffuser, a fragrance lamp is a device that vaporizes essential oils. Here too, just a few drops of essential oil in water are enough to diffuse the fragrance in the room and create a pleasant atmosphere. 


  • Raumduftsprays: Duftsprays sind wohl die einfachste und praktischste Möglichkeit, um den Artemisia annua Duft in Ihren eigenen 4 Wänden zu genießen. Dabei handelt es sich meistens um einen Artemisia annua Extrakt, wie beispielsweise unseren "Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Pflanzenauszug 70% vol". Diesen können Sie ganz einfach in eine Sprühflasche füllen und Ihr Zuhause nach Belieben damit beduften. 


  • Potpourri: This is a mixture of various fragrant plant parts such as leaves and flowers, but also spices or citrus fruit peel. These are mixed together in a bowl and placed in the room to give it a subtle fragrance. Our Artemisia annua leaf cuttings are ideal as part of a pleasantly refreshing potpourri blend. 
  • Incense: Of course, you can also choose the traditional way to scent your home with Artemisia annua. Simply use a little of our Artemisia annua leaf cuttings and smoke them in an incense pan, an incense bowl or an incense burner. 

Among the composite plants, there is one that we at teemana are particularly fond of: Artemisia annua, also known as annual mugwort


As you can see, in addition to its numerous application possibilities, Artemisia also offers you the option of an appealing and interesting room fragrance. With its calming yet invigorating, refreshing aroma, it is an excellent choice for enriching your home or workplace with a natural, pleasant fragrance. 

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you once again to discover the Artemisia annua products in our range. Our Artemisia annua leaf cuttings in particular offer the ideal component for room sprays, potpourris or incense to give your home a cozy, pleasant atmosphere. 

A glass between two gloves filled with green plants

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